What is ‘iPhone finger’ and is it real?

What is ‘iPhone finger’ and is it real?

Hands might look a little differently since the introduction of smartphones.

In a recent episode of The TJ Show, which was reposted on TikTok, one person explained the concept of “iPhone finger” and what it looks like.

“The way we hold our phones sometimes with the weight of the phone resting on your pinky finger,” one of the hosts explained. “It creates an indentation that actually changes the way your pinky looks.”

To determine if someone has “iPhone finger,” a person would need to hold out both pinkies and see if one looks noticeably different from the other, specifically with a large indent on their dominant hand that would likely be from holding their iPhone.


The fellow hosts followed the instructions and were blown away to discover that they had indents in one pinky finger and concluded that they had “iPhone finger.”

After posting, the video went on to receive over six million views, with many people taking to the comments to joke about the name coming from one specific type of smartphone.

“Why iPhone finger and not just phone finger?” one commenter questioned.

“I got Samsung finger... thank God I don’t have iPhone finger...” another commenter joked.

Other commenters weren’t sure iPhone finger was real, claiming that their pinkies had indents before they owned a smartphone.

“Both my pinkies had a bend in them well before iPhones,” one comment read.

Another commenter agreed, writing: “This is junk science, every one of my fingers has an ‘indent’ in the same spot.”


According to Andrew Bracken, an occupational therapist in Utah who spoke to Fox affiliate, KSTU, the indent on the pinky may be real, but iPhone finger or “smartphone pinky” is not.

“It’s not an official medical diagnosis,” Bracken explained to the outlet. “You’re using your pinky to stabilise and support your smartphone, and you literally indent the side of your pinky from holding your phone.”

Fortunatley, it’s temporary, and doctors say cell phones aren’t heavy enough to stop blood flow or damage nerves.

But Bracken said overuse of cell phones can be a contributing factor to real conditions like Cubital tunnel syndrome, trigger finger and carpal tunnel syndrome.

“They’ll develop numbness in their pinky finger and along the side of their hand,” Bracken told the outlet. “It’s the angle of their wrist and their elbow that contributes to that numbness and that can lead to some real serious consequences if not addressed.”


In response to the video about iPhone finger, some commenters joked about PopSockets, which are circular phone holders placed on the back of a smartphone instead of holding the phone with your hands as a method to prevent “iPhone finger”. Another method would be to simply spend less time on your phone.

A few people compared the iPhone finger to a writer’s bump or writer’s callus. According to Healthline, a writer’s callus is “an area of accumulated dead skin cells that form as a result of repeated friction against your finger”.

“This reminds me of the dent/callous you get from holding a pencil. Mine is BARELY better now, and it’s been 14 years since I graduated,” one commenter pointed out.

These calluses usually form from repeated use of pens, pencils, or other writing utensils. While they aren’t serious, it is suggested to see a doctor if the bump becomes bothersome.