I'm Dying Laughing At All These Terrible Boomers Who Got Absolutely Roasted Into Complete And Total Oblivion

1.The Normandy roast:

Twitter conversation between Michele Jeanne, Hot Take Appreciator, and Matt about generational differences and the Vietnam War. Matt asks "no, who won."

2.The PDF roast:

person making fun of boomers for not rotating pdfs

3.The kneepads roast:

Twitter: @dylpar252

4.The D-Day roast:

A tweet saying, "Did we cancel D-Day because of a little rough weather? No. Play the damn game." with added context about D-Day being delayed

5.The Home Ec roast:

boomer saying kids don't take home ec and someone says i wonder what generation made the curriculum

6.The nostalgic roast:

A Facebook post features the phrase "I miss the America ?? that I was raised in!" A comment below criticizes the post, stating it is nostalgic for regressive times

7.The inflation roast:

Text message conversation about differences in wages and working hours between generations. Screenshot includes text bubble and an inflation calculator

8.The truck roast:

A Twitter post shows Merle Somero claiming the Cybertruck is real with a photo of a Cybertruck carrying large packages. Greedo (@greedogoblino) tweets a humorous reply

9.The Blockbuster roast:

Blockbuster tweets: we didn't care who you shared rented videos with, as long as you returned them on time. LooseBets replies: you had a chance to buy Netflix and passed. Blockbuster replies: I'm an intern; I didn't pass on anything

10.The contract roast:

someone roasting a boomer about student loans

11.The plant roast:

person making fun of a boomer meme about naming plants

12.The helmet roast:

a boomer's comment that they're glad they weren't made to wear helmets and a response "Imagine how nice you would've been without all the head injuries"

13.The responsible roast:

boomer who says they had iirresponsibility and someone responds like how boomers destroyed the economy

14.The number roast:

boomer getting roasted for saying millennials don't understand phone numbers

15.The Foxworthy roast:

person roasting jeff foxworthy for his boring millennial jokes

16.The babysitting roast:

boomer saying people should have to work and pay debt and someone says my ancestors suffered and died so i must refuse medicine since it isnt fair to them

17.The rock 'n' roll roast:

boomer tries to talk about sex drugs and rock but someone replies you are the generation that led to stickers on albums

18.The membership roast:

A social media exchange discussing free membership for seniors. One user argues for it, while another states memberships support the service and nobody owes anything

19.The student loan roast:

boomer being roasted for saying college is cheap

20.The scholarship roast:

millennial pointiing out how much cheaper everything was in 1998

21.The danger roast:

boomer saying kids used to be dangerous and someone says did you not jump off a roof with an umbrella

22.The trophy roast:

millennial pointing out boomers were the ones giving out participation trophies

23.The standing roast:

boomer lamenting how today's kids don't stand

24.The adulting roast:

article saying millennials have to take adulting classes and someone responds its better than bombarding people with computer questions like you

25.The cursive roast:

boomer being roasted for caring about cursive

26.The education roast:

person explaining how its not millennials fault they are uneducated

27.The lungs roast:

boomer thinking a walnut is lungs

28.And the cliché roast:

someone saying okay boomer to a boomer

