February New Moon Report

The February 2016 New Moon really is a wonderful thing.

For a start, it takes place in the 11th House of the natural zodiac chart.

RELATED: Your 2016 horoscope predictions are here

The 11th House is called The House of the Thing Wished For. In other words, more than ever, and for everyone, no matter what your sign or Rising sign is, it's a time to make your New Moon wishes. For info on how to do that, click here.

Plus note that if you're Aries or Aries Rising, this New Moon triggers the 11th House on your solar or natal chart which makes it even more important to make your wishes and set your intentions this month.

Here are the Top 3 Things You Need To Know About The February 2016 New Moon

1 It's a time to cast off any shackles which have you behaving in ways that are not really you. David Bowie who sadly died the day of writing this was Aquarius Rising. Says it all really. Aquarius = Aqueerius. The Aqueerius New Moon calls on us to be ourselves!

2 There is healing in the air as the New Moon takes place. That doesn't have to mean physical healing but it can do. Healing is about taking away anything which makes us ill at ease. Clear our your emotional closets and your physical closet will be better.

3 There is also a lot of love and abundance in the air as Venus prepares to connect with lucky Jupiter under this New Moon. Any New Moon wishes or intentions lists to do with love and/or riches this month are extra well starred.

RELATED: Quiz: How much do you really know about your horoscopes?

Here are the New Moon times around the world – make your wishes asap afterwards:

New Moon at 20 degrees in Aquarius
SYDNEY: February 9, 1.38am
LONDON: February 8, 2.38pm
MONTREAL/NEW YORK: February 8, 9.38am
AUCKLAND: February 9, 3.38am
PARIS: February 8, 3.38pm

If you would like to find out where the February 2016 New Moon is taking place for your sign, click here to access the New Moon Info Sheets. These include all this info you have just read and more that is specific to your Star sign or Rising sign.

Click here for your New Moon Info Sheets.

Happy New Moon!

Yasmin Boland