Hilarious TikTok celebrates ‘old moms’ who are ‘postpartum and perimenopause at the same time’

"We're old moms" funny TikTok trend

If you’ve tried to get pregnant beyond 35, you’re likely well-acquainted with the unsolicited criticism and commentary that comes with the territory, from being labeled a “high-risk” or “geriatric” pregnancy by healthcare providers to snarky remarks from people you know who don’t appreciate how awesome it can be to be a later-in-life mom. You’ve probably heard it all, and two TikTok moms are here to celebrate “old moms”—you know, the ones who are postpartum and perimenopause at the same time.

Moms Stuart Brazell and Selah Victor took to TikTok to discuss “old mom” life, and it’s the hilarious, heartfelt reminder you need that there’s no “right” timeline to having kids, even if society is out here shaming you for doing things on your own time.

“We’re old moms,” they quip. “We can’t wait to stop breastfeeding… so we can get Botox!” Cue the excitement.

“We’re old moms. I’ll be 60 when he graduates high school,” notes Brazell. Among the other highlights the duo points out:


“We get mommy makeovers and face lifts at the same time.”

“Every test I had during pregnancy was labeled ‘high-risk’ and ‘geriatric.’”

“Our friends from high school have kids in high school.”

“We lived it up in our twenties, but there’s no proof.” (Ah, the blessed days of life before smartphones!)

“We’ve lived our lives, and now we live for our children.”

“When we babywear, we can’t walk for three days,” says Victor, exaggerating a back injury from walking with her little one on her chest.

Of having kids in their forties, Brazell writes in the caption: “Most of our friends from high school have kids in high school and we’re over here nursing infants. We both will be 60 when our last graduates high school!!”

After the video went viral—to the tune of two million views and counting—plenty of later-in-life moms took to the comments section to share their thoughts. “We are old moms, I waited to have kids until I could afford them,” wrote one person. Another agreed, adding, “my daughter has everything, because I can afford it now.”


Another emphasized the ability to prioritize little ones after enjoying lots of life experience, writing, “We’re old moms. Established my career and traveled the world. Now I can afford to give my kids great experiences & vacations around the world.” Others lamented the unique hormonal changes, writing, “we’re old moms, we’re going through postpartum and perimenopause at the same time.”

One simply said: “I feel so seen right now,” and all the “old moms” around the world cheered in agreement.

And while the average age of first-time mothers still hovers around 27, last year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) noted that for the first time since 2015, more women over age 45 are becoming pregnant. So if you’re having your first (or last!) in your 40s, you’re far from alone. In fact, you’re in pretty great company, mama, no matter what nosy Judy down the block has to say about it.

A version of this post was published in January 2024. It has been updated.