HGTV Fans Praise Ben Napier for "Beautiful" Souvenir Idea

ben and erin napier
HGTV Fans Praise Ben Napier for Souvenir Idea Courtesy HGTV

Home Town star Ben Napier just shared his family's go-to souvenir idea, and we're adopting this on our next trip.

Ben gave his Instagram followers a look at a project in his greenhouse, where he set up a station to grow seeds from his travels. He wrote, "All you need is dirt, a pot, and a window!"

The TV show host, entrepreneur, and small town advocate is also an accomplished woodworker. He crafts furniture, cutting boards, and butcher blocks in his Scotsman Co. workshop in Laurel, Mississippi. So it makes sense that he looks to the trees for inspiration when he's away from home.

Ben explains his "cool souvenir idea": When he and his family were in New York's Central Park, he took acorns and seeds from red oaks and honey locust trees. "We'll have a 100-year or more souvenir from our time there."


The Blue Devils fan added, "We also have red oaks planted from Duke University acorns."

Fans were inspired by Ben's efforts and left messages like, "This is such a great idea and meaningful souvenir that will keep on giving. Love this!"

One commented, "That's awesome! Curious if TSA gave you a hard time bringing the acorns home...? Keep us posted!" and Ben confirmed, "no issues!" Another commenter asked, "Is it ok to move trees/plants from different parts of the country around?" Ben replied, "we will see! The 2 red oaks from Duke are doing great."

One commenter cautioned: "While I appreciate the sentimentality, PLEASE understand the risks of invasive species. Not every seed, clipping, or acorn should be transplanted."

We'll definitely keep this in mind on our next trip!

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