Hello, your weekly horoscope is here

Hello! Your weekly horoscope is hereHearst Owned

It’s a week to remember! But first, let’s reflect. The Sun in Capricorn forms a sextile to Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday, which is a wonderful time to review the Capricorn themes —integrity, ambition, and dreams realised — in your life since 2008. Because on Saturday, Pluto leaves Capricorn, where it's (mostly) been since 2008, and enters Aquarius, where it will stay for the vast majority of the year. Pluto enters a new sign every 15-20 years, so Pluto entering Aquarius is a BIG DEAL. This begins a new era of socialising, community-building, and visionary ideas. On the same day, Aquarius season begins, giving us a month-long masterclass on this sign’s strengths.

What this means for your star sign


A professional chapter’s closing, Aries. The Sun-Neptune sextile on Tuesday helps you complete a context around your career in a powerful, healing way that sets you up for future success. On Saturday, Pluto leaves your career sector and enters your Aquarius-ruled community zone, inspiring you to transform your social life from friends to community and everyone in between.


You’re growing so powerfully, Taurus. Tuesday's Sun-Neptune sextile shows you how stepping out of your comfort zone and challenging yourself to new things is a wise move. On Saturday, Pluto leaves your chart's wisdom zone and enters your Aquarius-ruled career zone. This inspires you to change your views on power, purpose, and freedom within a professional context.


You’ve finished this chapter of the intimacy work, Gemini. Tuesday’s Sun-Neptune sextile highlights where you’ve acquired strong skills for meaningful relationships so you can deepen those bonds. On Saturday, Pluto leaves your intimacy zone and enters your Aquarius-ruled expansion sector, giving you a rush of opportunities so you can change your life through education and exploration of new campuses and countries.


Risk and trust are inseparable, Cancer. The Sun-Neptune sextile on Tuesday uncovers where you can take a trust fall with greater faith and optimism. You can’t trust without risk, but there’s no life force without trust. On Saturday, Pluto leaves your romantic sector and enters your Aquarius-ruled transformation zone, helping you change your character through more intimate, trustworthy relationships.


The details are sexy, Leo. Tuesday’s Sun-Neptune sextile shows you where the details and little things create intimate, sexually satisfying relationships. Mutual mindfulness is magic. Pluto leaves your wellbeing zone and enters your Aquarius-ruled relationship sector on Saturday, inspiring you to take the best of your personal work and apply it to the realm of relationships.


It’s safe to share yourself, Virgo. A Sun-Neptune sextile on Tuesday empowers you to open yourself up to people you trust. It’ll be scary and a bit risky, but it’s time to unfold, not armour up. Pluto leaves your confidence zone on Saturday and enters your Aquarius-ruled health zone, giving you even more strength to focus on habits, wellbeing, and the small choices that lead to big changes.


Attunement is the answer, Libra. Tuesday’s Sun-Neptune sextile helps you turn towards others, and they will turn towards you in ways that support closeness and empathy. On Saturday, Pluto leaves your emotional safety zone and enters your Aquarius-ruled confidence sector, giving you new opportunities to initiate new paths for excitement and worthiness.


Disclose, don't defend, Scorpio. A Sun-Neptune sextile on Tuesday challenges you to share a big truth about yourself, not keep it in silence or secrecy. It’s time to disclose, not deny! Pluto leaves your communication zone and enters your Aquarius-ruled emotional intelligence sector on Saturday, inspiring you to find innovative ways to name your feelings for healing.


Feelings are felt in the body, Sag. Tuesday’s Sun-Neptune sextile reminds you that your body knows the truth, and it uses emotions to tell you when to avoid, approach, and/or stay ambivalent. Trust yourself! On Saturday, Pluto leaves your embodiment zone and enters your Aquarius-ruled cognition sector, helping you bring critical awareness to your body’s sensations and emotions.


Happy birthday, Capricorn! Tuesday’s Sun-Neptune sextile helps you change your life in wonderful ways by changing the way you approach listening and language. When you have the right words, you expand your universe. Pluto leaves your sign (finally!) on Saturday and enters your Aquarius-ruled financial sector, inspiring you to develop innovative ways for financial freedom within a community context.


Growth is a circle, Aquarius. Tuesday's Sun-Neptune sextile on Tuesday reminds you that returning to the end in a healing way, and you're about to begin something new. Pluto leaves your closure zone on Saturday — the same day Aquarius season begins! — and then enters your sign, giving your identity a powerful makeover as you let go of what's not working and call in the life you dream of.


You’re the company you keep, Pisces. A Sun-Neptune sextile on Tuesday helps you see how birds of a feather flock together. Are you flying with the right friends? You’ll know which ones are headed in a supportive direction. Pluto leaves your work zone and enters your Aquarius-ruled community zone on Saturday, helping you find the friends that change your life positively.


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