Monday Miracle: A glass of red may undo the effects of a bad diet

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Photo: Getty Images

In probably the best news you’ve heard today/this week/ever, word has it that sipping a glass of red can undo that double cheeseburger you just ate. Well, almost... It can help at least.

To break it down, resveratrol is a compound with serious antioxidant properties and it’s found plentiful in red wine. The compound has been linked to everything from lowered risk of heart diseases and strokes, to lower cholesterol and cancer. And now researchers at Georgetown university have found that resveratrol might help to mitigate the effects of eating those high-fat, high-sugar foods.

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The study was performed on monkeys, one group was given a healthy diet, and the other was given a diet high in fat and sugar. Then half of each group was given a resveratrol supplement.

In some very~exciting~ results, the researchers found that the resveratrol rich food undid the damage of a high-fat, high sugar diet. When measuring how resveratrol affected muscles it found that it especially undid more damage in ‘slow’ muscle groups (those responsible for walking or standing) as opposed to ‘fast’ muscles groups (used for running).

Begrudgingly, we do have to admit that this isn’t a free pass to eat what you like and wash it down with a bottle of red. However, it does hold a good case to choose red over beer when you’re about to treat yourself to a woodfired pizza on Sunday night.