WATCH: The Problem With Your Fitness App

Bad news for app fans.

A Study from the University of Florida found that only one out of the 30 most popular fitness apps met more than half of the guidelines for physical activity from the American College of Sports Medicine.

The rest of the apps, at best, only improve one area of your fitness, and you may very well hurt yourself doing so.

Each app was scored across three categories: aerobics, strength or resistance and flexibility. Only three apps met more than half the criteria in the aerobic category, just four met more than half in the strength/resistance category and none met more than half in the flexibility category. Have fun nursing that hammy because your iPhone told you to sprint a 5k with no warm-up.

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This study should be a sign that you should look at your app a little more critically and admit that it might have some limitations. Just because it has some slick graphics and a nice UI, doesn’t mean that the app makers know what they’re talking about.

When it comes to your health, it might be worth it to shell out a few bucks to get an app that’s been vetted by professionals.

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