Everything you need to know about the Fool tarot card

the fool tarot card, showing two faces mirrored over a constellation background
Let’s talk about the Fool tarot cardHearst Owned/Claire Brodsky

This is just the beginning! The Fool is card zero of the Major Arcana, representing the point where everything begins and ends and begins again. The Fool tarot card is a sign of unlimited and endless potential. It’s a cosmic invitation from the universe to start your next adventure. The world is your oyster, babe! Release your expectations or any preconceived notions because anything can happen right now — you just need to take a leap of faith and dive into the unknown.

The Fool Keywords

New beginnings, innocence, naivete, spontaneity, endless potential, inexperience, excitement, leap of faith, risk, reckless, the unknown.

The Fool Upright meaning

Being a little naive can be majorly advantageous. You have not yet had any disheartening experiences that erode away your optimism and willingness to try whatever you feel like. Honestly, sometimes you just need to go for it! Take a chance on an opportunity because you never know where this moment could lead you to next. This card is all about saying yes without overthinking it! Because you know what? You cannot possibly plan for everything the universe will throw at you. Sometimes if you know what you’re getting yourself into ahead of time, you might hold yourself back — but then you would miss out on so many incredible, magical experiences that allow you to grow and change and evolve.


Sure, everything might not go perfectly, but the wrong turns on the road trip of life can lead to unexpected journeys and long-lasting memories. Some of the greatest, most impactful life lessons don’t come from a classroom but from the experiences of actually living life with all the stumbles, mistakes, and unforeseen bumps along the way. Try as we might, there is no true road map to guaranteed success. But we will never find what we’re looking for if we don’t at least try and go for it. Take a risk! Be spontaneous! After all, life is for living and it should be fun! If you overthink it, try to control everything, or second-guess yourself, you’ll miss out on all the joy and magic that comes from the journey.

The Fool Reversed meaning

Don’t stop yourself before you’ve even started! Failures, bad experiences, and the crushing weight of the passing of time can have a tendency to knock us down, make us cynical and jaded, or cause us to go to the worst-case scenario. But it would be such a shame to talk yourself out of a potentially incredible opportunity simply because of your own negativity. Stop telling yourself that this isn’t worth your time and energy because it’s destined to fail. Nothing good will come from that attitude, and honestly, it’s just as likely that it will all work out!

Drawing the Fool reversed can also serve as a warning or cosmic check-in before you embark upon a new path. Have you considered the consequences of your actions? Are you taking a worthwhile risk, or are you just being reckless? Do your research and gather more information instead of acting on impulse.

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