Escape Artist Corgi Stages Hilarious Getaway When It's Time to Head Home
Like human children, dogs don’t want the fun to end when they are having a good time. Some may refuse to get in the car when it’s time to leave their grandparent’s house, while others engage their brakes at the thought of leaving the dog park.
This little Corgi is no different. Although he may have short legs, they ensured no one could catch him when the fair was over. See how many humans it took to wrangle one little dog in this hilarious video from August 18:
At the Almont fair in New York, @twobuttonsdeep reports one little Corgi didn’t want the day to end. He didn’t get the memo that the Corgi races were over, and it was time to go home. However, he gave everyone quite a show with spectators still in the stands. It took not one, two, or three, but four people to wrangle him. What a character! When he was finally captured, the crowd cheered wildly! Although the main event was entertaining, this free performance at the end was an outstanding encore to witness! Perhaps they might want to consider making Corgi catching a stand-alone event next year.
Related: Corgi Bouncing His Way Down the Stairs Is an Instant Mood Booster
Ways to Lure a Dog Who Won’t Come When Called
Even if you have worked on the recall command, sometimes our dogs don’t want to listen when they are called. According to PetMD, this can occur for a number of reasons. It can sometimes happen because our tone of voice sounds angry or frustrated. It can also be because we practiced this command in non-challenging environments or didn’t associate it with having fun. If you find yourself in the situation, running usually isn’t the most effective solution.
Instead of chasing your dog, run in the opposite direction. Dogs often consider running after us to be playful, which can trigger their instinct to begin a new game.
Use a high-pitched, excited tone or make unusual sounds like whistling or clapping. This can grab their attention and encourage them to return.
Squatting and getting down to their level can be helpful and even more effective if you offer high-value treats.
People’s comments were as priceless as this performance. Viewer @dopephelia inquired, “How can that many grown adults not catch a baked potato on wheels?” They are faster than they appear. Viewer @pamjobryan responded, “That dog is having the time of his life. He’s thinking you never do this with me at home, lol.” That sounds likely. Viewer @maggiethewunderdog remarked, “That dog has just created a core memory. When he falls asleep and dreams and his little footsies twitch, he's dreaming of this moment!” That’s an excellent way to think about this.
Although this unscheduled event probably wasn’t fun for his parents, it gave the crowd a few laughs. What a great way to end a night at the fair!