We Wanna Hear The Moment You Realized Something About Your Partner Wasn't Quite Right

Recently, we wrote about the heartbreaking moments when people realized something was "off" about their family, and the BuzzFeed Community commented with a ton of their own answers.

Text about a childhood memory of care and support from a best friend's family
u/tiredactivistshit / Via reddit.com

This experience was sadly common, and it got me thinking about other moments when people realized something was "off" in their relationships — like, for example, romantic relationships. So now we want to hear from you — if you've been in a toxic or abusive relationship, when was the first time you realized something was *off*?

A woman and a man stand close in a room, both appearing tense. The woman wears a strapless top, and the man a white sleeveless shirt
Universal Pictures

Was it the first time you went on a trip together, and your partner freaked out over something small or made you feel bad about perfectly normal behavior?

A woman in medical scrubs talking to someone off-screen

Maybe it was when you hung out with your friend and their partner, and things seemed veryyyyy different to how they were for you.

A person with long dark hair sits indoors, wearing a white top and patterned scarf, looking attentively in conversation

Or maybe it's something a parent or child said that helped you realize things were not right.

A young boy talks animatedly to a woman with curly hair who is listening attentively

Whatever it was that helped you realize your relationship was "off," tell us the story in the comments below or via this anonymous form and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.