Your December Warning, Based on Zodiac Sign

Are you ready for December 2024? Astrologers are here to point out what your star sign should be prepared for this month for the most success.

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December 2024 Cautionary Warning Messages for Each Zodiac Sign, According to an Astrologer

Read for your zodiac sign. To go beyond sun sign astrology, take note of your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs.


This December, Aries should remain mindful of Mars, their planetary ruler, being retrograde. Their romantic sector is impacted. Lovers may be restless, frantic, pushy, or argumentative. Avoid ego battles, find compromise, and find ways to relieve stress. Teamwork makes the dream work.


This month, your planetary ruler, Venus, enters Aquarius and is immediately confronted by transformative Pluto. It's time to embrace change in your relationships to evolve. Don't resist the current while you may be pushed out of your comfort zone. You'll find happiness through surrender.


During December, Mercury, Gemini's planetary ruler, is retrograde until December 15 in their relationship sector. Communication is key. However, your timing, delivery, or others' receptivity may be off. Take time to tackle issues with others. It likely won't be an overnight solution.


This month, Cancer finds themselves confronting suppressed emotions. The Gemini full moon illuminates secrets, whether self-kept or from outsiders. Don't avoid facing the sound of the music. You'll feel better removing rose-colored glasses and seeing things as they are.


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You'll likely feel scrambled as Mars retrograde occurs in your sign this December. Remember, it's okay to take your time. You don't need all the answers here and now to succeed. Take the long route, seek trial and error, and know your frustrations are temporary.


Virgo's planetary ruler, Mercury, is retrograde until December 15. As their personal and family life sector is scrambled, it'll be essential to reevaluate commitments or opinions around loved ones. Their relationships may be contemplated in a new light. Welcome change. It's alright to trust your discernment as revelations arise.


Your planetary ruler, Venus, meets forces with Pluto in Aquarius this month, Libra. You're ready to make meaningful shifts in your relationships. This will be especially obvious in your romantic connections. Superficiality or playful flirting won't hit the same without commitment, depth, and soul. Be direct with your emotional needs.


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With your traditional planetary ruler, Mars, stationing retrograde in Leo this month, you seek growth. However, your public life sector is set for delays or challenges. Your vocational path requires extra attention. You must take your boundaries to the next level to fulfill your purpose. Self-preservation is needed to maintain passion and motivation.


This month, a Mercury retrograde in your sign occurs until December 15. Therefore, you'll want to be patient. Don't rush decisions that could alter the course of your life in significant ways. You'll likely need more time than expected to regroup and center. Be willing to take it.


Until the start of your season on December 21, Sagittarius season calls the shots. This activates your spiritual and subconscious sectors, signaling a time of introspection, rest, and undoing self-defeat. Therefore, you'll be hyperaware of what's no longer working, thanks to your increased intuitive abilities. Pay mind and follow your inner knowing.


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This marks the first full month of Pluto in your sign for the next twenty years. Therefore, it marks a month of transformation, change, and closing doors. You can no longer live a life denying the calling of your deep, soulful desires and needs. Allow the cycle of death-rebirth to lead you to new, miraculous ways.


With Mercury retrograde transiting your career sector, you seek clarity in your professional life. It's okay to feel uncertain or indecisive. This will pass towards the middle or end of December. Until sudden revelations hit, be patient with yourself. Avoid signing contracts, pushing for change, or getting into ego battles in the workplace.

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