Couples Are Sharing The Things They Do With Each Other That Some People Might Find To Be Weird And Somewhat Cringey
Reddit user u/tickysmith15 recently asked the AskReddit community, "What's the weird thing you and your significant other do together," and it was met with nearly 2,000 responses.
Here are just a few of the interesting things that were mentioned:
1.Staring contest
"We like to smush our faces on each other's with really wide eyes and say, 'Caaaan youuuu seeeeee meeee noooowwww?' Then the other says, 'Noooo!' Then one of us goes back to our normal voice and says, 'Blind bitch.' We have no idea how it came about, we just do weird stuff." —u/Fantastic4unko
2.Shake it off
"We’ll go to hold hands but then turn it into a handshake, like a business deal, then laugh maniacally and say, 'You have no idea what you just agreed to.'” —u/ministryofboops
3.Man of many talents
"He’s my towel boy. Whenever I’m done with my shower, I call out, 'Towel boy,' and he’ll drop everything and come running just to hand me my towel. Sometimes, he’ll even add in a, 'Here’s your towel, ma’am! Please, I need this job. I’ve got a wife and kids to support.' My towel is only ever a couple of feet from the shower, but he insists on handing it to me every time. If I’m impatient and fetch my own towel, it's, 'Oh, no, please, ma’am. I really need this job.' Then I have to give him back the towel, and step back into the shower, allowing him to perform his duty as my towel boy. I love this bit, and I look forward to it every day." —u/tarhell1
4.Room for more
"I’ll lay down completely unmoving, legs and arms spread. He’ll go, 'Is that a cozy spot?' No matter what he’s doing, he’ll come over and lay on top of me, pretending not to realize it’s me. Then I’ll trap him in my legs and arms. We call it the Venus fly trap." —u/Recent_Cockroach_288
5.T-shirt tear
"Whenever his work shirts get old and need to be thrown out, he puts them on, and we wrestle, and I tear the shirt to pieces. This started after a cosplay costume arrived for him that was way too small, and he put it on to try and tear it like he was the Hulk, but couldn't, so I helped.
We also rescue pigeons." —u/kiwi_cannon_
6.Talk that talk
"If we're walking down the street and we pass someone talking to someone else, we'll wait until we're a little ways away and then reiterate the information to each other. For example, we'll pass by a girl who says, 'I dunno, I just wasn't really into him.' So once we're out of earshot, I'll turn to her (or vice versa) and be like, 'She really wasn't into him, apparently.'" —u/Tribalbob
7.Dating you all over again
"We pretend to be on the show First Dates when we go home after an evening together. One of us asks the main question: 'Would you like to see each other again?' And we proceed to sum up what we like about each other and why we would love to have a second date." —u/m1sscommunication
8.Toys for two
"Our stuffed animals have voices and personalities and very complex interpersonal relationships. For example, Manny the Manatee is always up to something illegal." —u/Absolutely_Fibulous
9.Belly blasts
"When we go to sleep, she leans over to me, uncovers my belly, and presses her mouth against it to blow air, as to create a 'belly fart,' as we call them. They are funny sounds. We discuss her performance often afterward and score them.
I get one per day, and she keeps counting. If she's gone for a week or forgot about it due to the baby, I must get one later. We can have fights and she'll still do it. The moment she ever stops, I know I'm in deep ass trouble." —u/Koersfanaat
10.Steam roller
"When I’m laying next to my wife I’ll all of a sudden yell, 'Steam Roller!' Then I proceed to roll sideways into her then keep rolling on top of her then I’ll stall out sometimes but I’ll just keep rolling back and forth and she dies laughing every time." —u/SolutionBrave4576
11.The butt of the joke
"He often pretends he’s put toy cars in my butt while I’m asleep and then chases me around saying he needs his favourite one back. He doesn’t even collect toy cars!" —u/No_Definition_1774
12.Toilet tallies
"We walk around big cities and find luxury hotels to use their bathroom and then rate the bathroom from 1–10." —u/FoxOk4968
13.Floor fall out
"When something bad or weird happens at work or in life, one of us will just lay on the kitchen floor and 'just give up.' The other will then ask, 'So...what's happening?'" —u/notwhoyouthinkmaybe
14.The great debaters
"When my husband and I have disagreements we refer to ourselves as the 'delegation from state Y' and 'delegation from state X' like a parliament or UN meeting. We are both from different states, so it's pretty clear-cut. By the end of it, we have to strike a deal in which both parties are satisfied with the good of our kingdom. We lay down facts from both sides and then feelings separately. It's so cheesy, but it makes us giggle, so disagreements are a lot easier to handle. And we both know where the fact/feelings line lives." —u/Possum_pal
15.The cat's meow
"We meow at each other from across the room to break silence if we're both doing separate things and the silence has gone on for more than like 10 minutes." —u/EnchantedHoneyStick
16.Never grow up
"OMG, we have so many bits! Our current favorite one has been going on for months. We were watching The Holiday last winter, high as fuck. During the part where Jude Law and Cameron Diaz are in the car talking about things being complicated, my wife was like, 'Ugh, grow up!' For some reason, it absolutely killed us, and it’s now a bit. Some notable 'grow up' moments include watching Titanic with Jack and Rose on the front of the ship, watching someone cry during a documentary, during really intense parts of a song, during sex, at the Starbucks drive-thru...Fuck, I’m laughing right now! So good." —u/tassieke
17.Lastly, get in the game
"We say, 'Ooba dish nark,' and talk like we are Sims." —u/photo_inbloom
They might call them weird, but these scream cute to me! I love it when couples have inside jokes with each other.
Do you and your significant other do something that others might find strange? Let me know in the comments below!