Capricorn Daily Horoscope – November 27 2020

Today you have some strong energy for regaining power in your life. This can refer to any area of your life, but it might be a good idea to use this to re-examine your convictions and beliefs. This could refer to beliefs at the core of your life and up-bringing, or it could mean more recent beliefs you’ve adopted. Listen to your intuition and if you have to make a drastic change in direction, there’s no better time to do it than right now.
Coming up soon is the eclipse season. Are you ready?
To make the most of it, I’ve accepted an invitation from the people at the New York Open Centre to hold an online class in which we will tap into the eclipse energies.
We’ve called the class
Rituals On The Day Of A Highly Auspicious New Moon
Sounds good? Join us. Tickets are selling fast and numbers are limited.

Tickets and more info is here.