How to make the perfect pavlova

Watch the video for Fast Ed's secrets to the perfect pavlova.


6 egg whites
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
1 cup caster sugar
1 Tbsp cornflour
2 tsp white vinegar

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  • Beat egg whites and cream of tartar on a medium speed until soft peaks form.

  • Put sugar into bowl one tablespoon at a time with the mixer constantly running.

  • Fold in the vinegar and cornflour gently so you don't knock out the air.

  • Spread meringue out on a lined tray in a circle shape.

  • Bake on 130 degrees for 1.5 hours in a fan forced oven.

  • Add whipped cream and fruit to serve.

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Want more Fast Ed? Visit Ed's recipe pages or watch more of Ed's videos here.

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