Here's What Pippa Middleton Eats Every Day

Ever since she stepped out as her sister, the Duchess of Cambridge's, maid of honour in 2011, Pippa Middleton's figure has been the envy of women all over the globe.

Finally, the 32-year-old has spoken out about how she keeps her athletic figure in shape, telling Hello magazine that exercise and controlled calorie intake lead to her toned physique.

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"I try to eat wholegrain, energy-fuelled carbohydrates and three meals a day," Pippa said.

"I also increase my portion sizes based on my training level, with lots of brown rice, lentils, quinoa and sweet potato, and for breakfast, porridge and rye toast."

"I don't get fussy, though, because I enjoy food too much. But a week or so before an event I'm quite conscious of eating really nutritious foods to store energy and I cut out alcohol, refined sugar and processed foods."

Unlike her sister Kate, who is a big fan of the Dukan diet, Pippa believes in a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Pippa was Kate Middleton's maid of honour in 2011.
Pippa was Kate Middleton's maid of honour in 2011.

"I grew up with the belief that good health is about moderation in all things, so I'll be celebrating healthy living through exercise, a balanced diet and a little of the naughty stuff sprinkled in — I'm talking chocolate, crisps, and the occasional glass of wine," she previously wrote in a column for British supermarket chain Waitrose.

"I know that if I fit in at least three, ideally five, sessions of exercise a week, be it a 30-minute run, an hour's walk or a good game of tennis, it boosts my mood and energy, and helps me sleep and digest better," she added. "So I make it a priority, whatever the weather or my work schedule."

"I've never done Dukan, attempted Atkins or exercised religiously seven days a week, but I do believe in making healthy choices — keeping refined carbs such as white bread and pasta to a minimum, and sticking to sensible portion sizes."