
Aries Daily Horoscope – February 27 2020

Your daily forecast

As the Moon moves through your sign, she’ll begin to show her first sliver of light in the western evening sky. This is a delightful time in the Moon’s monthly cycle. What makes this extra special for you, it that you get the crescent Moon in your sign just once every year. Just like the Moon, you too may begin to see the first signs of something important begin to take shape. This may come in the form of an inkling, a knowing or even a positive sign from the Universe that you’re on the right track.

Calling anyone in or near London!

Will you be in or near London? I’m doing what will almost certainly be my only all-day London workshop on March 28, to take you all the way to the Moon and back – learn how to manifest your dreams with the Moon as your timer. Info here.