I Don't Think I've Ever Laughed Harder At All These People Who Got Absolutely Roasted Into Oblivion In 2024

1.On birthdays:

Image of a meme featuring a bowl of ground beef, banana, and honey. Caption jokes about the meal resembling dog food

2.On vocabulary:

Two tweets: One jokes about "hissing at books like they're garlic," and the other questions the meaning of "agnostic."

3.On trendy foods:

Screenshot of a social media post showing a tweet about British street food: a whole potato topped with unmelted cheese and beans

4.On pot roast:

Facebook post joking about a pot roast cooking time, with a humorous reply comparing its taste to an alternator belt

5.On rats:

Screenshot of a review saying a rat was seen at a restaurant. Response: "That's called a mirror..."

6.On headphones:

Headphones disintegrating in a sink with a humorous comment suggesting they broke due to poor taste in music

7.On chicken:

Image of a Reddit post from /r/shittyfoodporn. It shows a plate with baked chicken breast, air fryer fries, and pita bread. A comment below asks, "What'd you bake the chicken with, a warm hug?"

8.On Ice Spice:

A meme with a tweet by @d_trulliaj wondering why Ice Spice has the "perfect birthday" of January 1, 2000 and comparing it to a "Microsoft Windows-ass date of birth."
Getty Images / Via Twitter: @d_trulliaj

9.On lizards:

Text message exchange: One person mentions having 3 dogs and 5 cats. The other jokes about adding a lizard due to their dry conversation

10.On fine dining:

A plate with two servings of brown food, resembling haggis and mashed potatoes, next to a lit candle. Tweet compares the food's appearance to excrement

11.On Florida:

An Onion article headline reads "Fireworks Accident Blows Off Tip Of Florida." Comments joke about mistaking the satire for real news

12.On the joy of Christmas:

A Christmas tree stands on its tip, decorated with lights and ribbons. A comment below jokes, "the grinch would steal every tree except that one."

13.On good eats:

A plate with unappetizing, gray-colored food with text overlay "We eatin good tonight" and a Facebook post by Sofia suggesting to remove the 'd'

14.On lunch:

Tweet with a photo of open canned food and barbecue sauce on a desk, with text joking about eating like a stray cat

15.On exercise:

Screenshot of a Reddit post in r/AppleWatch. User analogkid825's question: "How come my watch doesn't say 'it looks like you're exercising' when I make boom boom with my partner?" Top reply by O667: "It doesn't register workouts shorter than 3 mins."

16.On Tupperware:

"Tupperware? Looks like a takeaway food container"; response: "That's exactly what tupperware is you upper class crumpet"

17.On eggs:

Text conversation: Suggestion of laying an egg instead of a period. Response: "There are free mental courses online, please take all of them."

18.On angles:

Online chat exchange with humorous wordplay involving geometry, straightness, and being bi

19.On flags:

An American flag is shown with a tweet by Philip, highlighting the Welsh flag with a red dragon as better

20.On likenesses:

Large vertical log resembling a dog; social media comments debate the resemblance, with one suggesting it looks more like a sad pig

21.On puzzles:

Screenshot of a Wordle Unlimited game with the top comment praising creativity over logic in solving

22.On the Great War:

Person holding a cheese and onion sandwich. Text reads: "Leicester, Cheese and onion cob."

23.On kids:

A sign states, "If your child puts his/her hand in the topping you have to pay for the ENTIRE container. Thank you." Comment about parents and kids follows

24.On positioning:

A Reddit post by johnmcclanehadplans reads, "You know this dude has definitely only had sex in two positions." Luname replies, "Left hand and right hand?"

25.On true love:

A tall red cake with a large Confederate flag design on the front. A comment below reads, "That's a lot of effort to announce that the bride and groom are siblings"

26.On Kevin:

Social media post exchanges: "Kevin is as sharp as a marble," "but marble isn't sharp their circle," "you're Kevin."
u/nikicutiee / Via reddit.com

27.On getting dressed:

Screenshot of a Twitter exchange. First tweet by @versusIII asks, "What y'all put on first when getting dressed?" Reply by @shaneliix says "My shirt." @therealestjoey responds, "Ok Winnie the Pooh."

28.On numbers:

Poll results: 29% Yes, 57% No, 14% No opinion. Commenter says "never." Another replies: "Except for the 800 years we've already been using them, you rotted blowpop."

29.On ribs:

A very overcooked plate of meat with comment: "I'm Muslim and even I know when a rack is absolutely fucked; this shit looks like it was shoved in one of them hot pocket sleeping bags and microwaved on 'zap me daddy' for 8 minutes"

30.On the Dutch:

"My 4 year old searched: '[random letters]' I was mortified"; response: "I can see that, your kid knowing how to type grammatically correct Dutch at such an early age; that's fucking weird"

31.On the dictionary:

Response: "I just know you be hissing at books like they're garlic"; original comment: "Now I'm positive y'all making up words ever year because wtf is an agnostic???"

32.On toes:

A person posts their bare feet, with very stubby, far-apart toes, with comment, "Feels like my feet are not meant to wear climbing shoes; any shoe suggestions, guys?" response: "I drew those feet in elementary school"

33.On Pride:

Someone says about Pride Month, "and how their get a month but soilders only get 2 mins" and response is, "they don't 'only have 2 minutes' ya obtuse cabbage"

34.On creepiness:

Someone posts a cloud formation that looks vaguely like the shape of a person with boxy shoulders, with comment, "Can anyone explain?" and someone responds with, "cloud" and a link to Wikipedia

35.On chocolate:

"If you love milk chocolate but don't like dark chocolate, you actually like sugar more than chocolate"; response: "If you like pickles but don't like cucumbers, you actually like vinegar more than cucumbers"

36.On attractiveness:

"If being sexy was a crime, I'd be serving a life sentence"; response: "A life sentence? For a crime you didn't commit?"

37.On the law of the land:

"So now you're telling us you are anti-Constitution?" Response: "Did you do long jump in high school? Because if you were half as good at that as you are at jumping to conclusions, you would have set records"

38.On red flags:

Person on a date in someone's house posts photo of what looks like a small blue barrel/cup and says "She has a drum like this in the room; is this a red flag?" and someone says, "No, that is not a red flag; that is a blue barrel"

39.On hands:

Person says they just bought the world's ugliest headphones, and when someone says to post a pic, they say they're coming in 2 days and posts a photo of their open hand; response: "it looks like you have both too many and the normal amount of fingers"

40.On bread:

Someone posts extremely dense-looking bread with comment, "This is it lads, the worst loaf of bread I've ever made"; response: "A toddler with a skateboard could get more air than that"

41.On seasoning:

Someone posts a plate of chicken legs with some BBQ sauce resting on their leg, with their bare, dirty foot visible; response: "Why are your feet seasoned better than the chicken?"

42.On the people of England:

"Praying for the people in England," "What happened there," "They live there"

43.On Mars:

A social media exchange where one user challenges another about showing a time-lapse video from Earth to Mars. The second user rebuts, questioning the first user's existence
u/beerbellygone / Via reddit.com

44.On friends:

A heated social media exchange between Tom and Sarah contains derogatory language and insults. Tom's message mocks Sarah about her friends; Sarah replies with a crude retort

45.On animals:

A tweet by @UnkleDell saying, "animals be 20 minutes old and already know what to do", and a reply by Evans saying, "Meanwhile human babies come out with a spot on their head that ain't finished yet and the communication skills of an alarm clock"

46.On threats:

Social media exchange: User 1 comments, "Weird hill to die on, but I guess you die either way, eh?" User 2 responds, "Is that a threat?" User 3 replies, "How are you this dense and yet don't have moons orbiting you?"

47.On art:

Screenshot of a social media exchange: "Modern art is not celebrating special talent. It celebrates mediocrity." Response: "If modern art celebrates mediocrity, where's your exhibit?"

48.On fries:

Reddit thread: Lonewolf_087 asks why someone in Hollywood isn't at In-N-Out. Fantastic_Mr_Fox sarcastically replies about preferring fries that resemble fried potato sticks over cold tapeworms from a 16th-century peasant's chamber pot

49.On hair:

Reddit post from r/AskMen asking which part of the body the user wishes had skin from the palm. Top comment: "Between my eyebrows." Second comment: "I'm guessing that 's' isn't needed?", highlighting a typo

50.And on old-fashioned cooking:

"Can't beat a full English," with a photo showing fried eggs, sausages, ham, baked beans, and either breaded meat or hash browns in a tray; response: "Did you cook this with sunlight?"

