32 Absolutely Hilarious Comebacks By Complete And Total Strangers That Had Me Dying With Laughter Last Month
1.On baseball:
2.On lattes:
3.On being remembered:
4.On peaking:
5.On pizza:
6.On microwaving:
7.On measurements:
8.On wine:
9.On boba tea:
10.On the english language:
11.On duration:
12.On refreshing beverages:
13.On internet points:
14.On Nirvana:
15.On names:
16.On pizza toppings:
17.On divorce:
18.On disappearances:
19.On resemblances:
20.On video games:
21.On danger:
22.On questing:
23.On things that suck:
24.On degrees:
25.On averages:
26.On DJ Khaled:
27.On time machines:
28.On multiplication:
29.On Linkin Park:
30.On electronics:
31.On ankles:
32.And on President Jimmy Carter:
That's the world I'd like to live in.