32 Suuuper Awkward Texts People Sent That Are So Bad, I Need Five Business Days To Recover From Them
1.This person who forgot their friend was saying goodbye to her grandfather today:
2.This "accidental" text from a married neighbor:
3.This Uber driver who crossed serious boundaries:
4.This MLM scammer who forgot to change her recruiting template:
5.This guy who decided to show off his bank account to impress a woman:
6.This grandma who may have been trying to do a Google search:
7.This guy who had a whole conversation with this person's auto-reply messages:
8.This guy a woman met online who called her the wrong name...and then HAD to change the subject to this:
9.This unsuccessful opener:
10.This person who made this extremely awkward mistake:
11.This guy who went on one date with this person two YEARS ago but keeps...texting:
12.This person who sent their dad a Father's Day message:
13.This guy who kept DM'ing this person then decided he "dodged a bullet":
14.This dad who made SURE his message was sent:
15.This coworker who "accidentally" sent this message:
16.This group leader who got jealous:
17.This employee who sent this to his manager instead of his S.O.:
18.This person who tried their best:
19.This woman who forgot she lied to this person about her number a year later:
20.This person's response after inappropriately calling someone "baby":
21.This person who made a joke at the wrong time:
22.This Tinder match who completely misread this message:
23.This person who tried to shoot their shot and then completely denied what happened after they got rejected:
24.This dad who accidentally sent this message to his stepson instead of his wife:
25.This seriously awkward autocorrect:
26.This guy who really tried sliding into the DMs like this:
27.This snapchatter who "doesn't want" this person to open this photo they "accidentally" sent:
28.This person who was just joking, of course:
29.These dudes who had a hilarious convo after one of them sent a selfie to the wrong number:
30.This person who purposely sent this message to their crush (who already turned them down a month ago):
31.This coworker who really tried to slip this into a conversation:
32.And finally, this cringey "prank":
Whew. What's the most awkward text you've ever sent? Tell us in the comments below.