32 Game Show Contestants Who Embarrassed Themselves Sooooo Badly On Television

1.This man who probably shouldn't be allowed on Wheel of Fortune again:

Game show contestant on stage guesses phrase: "Give yourself a round of applause." Contestant is wearing a suit

2.This woman who forgot her colors for a second:

Two images show a woman on a game show. She is asked to name a yellow fruit and answers with "Orange."

3.This contestant who got called out by Alex Trebek:

Three contestants on a quiz show. Top text reads, "If Andy yearns for Brenda & Brenda cares about Charlene who pines for Andy, the 3 of them form one of these."

4.This guy who definitely regrets saying this:

Game show contestants attempting to solve the puzzle "PILL-PUSHERS" with humorous confusion over the clue

5.This unconventional Thanksgiving dessert from Snoop Dogg:

Game show still: Contestant answers "Horse" to the question "Pie in the..." with visible disbelief
The CW

6.This guy who accidentally answered "turkey" for every single question on Family Feud:

Two game show contestants humorously answer "turkey" for unrelated questions

7.This woman who needs a geography lesson:

A game show contestant humorously suggests Texas as a foreign country after guessing the U.S. isn't one for where a car was manufactured

8.This woman who knew she said the wrong answer the second it came out of her mouth:

A contestant on a quiz show is visibly surprised when they realize their answer about animals with ink sacs was incorrect

9.This scandalous response from Ken Jennings:

Game show contestant answers a question about a gardening tool with "What's a hoe?" Host reacts surprised

FYI: The correct response was, "What is a rake?"


10.This woman who was probably just hungry:

Game show contestant guesses "Self-potato" for puzzle "Self-portrait" and receives a wrong answer buzzer

11.This guy who definitely heard the word "soup," I hope:

TV game show scene with a contestant humorously answering "Chicken noodle" to a question about inappropriate suits for the office
The CW

12.This woman who doesn't know how pregnancy works:

Game show contestant humorously responds "September" to a question about when a woman begins to look pregnant

13.This man who...well, I'm not quite sure:

Game show scene: Contestant guesses "Fish love" incorrectly; another solves with "Wish list."

14.This man who is technically correct:

A contestant on a game show answers "Excited" to the question "Name something you feel before you buy it."

15.This guy who got the first question wrong on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?:

Game show contestant selecting an answer for the question: "What did Little Jack Horner pull from a pie?" Options: A: Ribbon, B: Plum, C: Blackbird, D: Little Jill Horner

16.This woman who's definitely not an only child:

Game show screenshot with a contestant partially solving a puzzle with the phrase "AN _ UGLY CHILD," and the host humorously reacting, stating they're a school counselor

17.This woman who's probably not religious:

Game show scene: Contestant responds "Hanukkah" to the prompt "Name a tradition that's associated with Christmas."


A game show host reacts humorously to a contestant's unexpected answer, "Naked Grandma," during a game
The CW

19.This guy who doesn't know how to spell:

Game show scene: Contestant guesses "Cake baker," is incorrect. Another contestant correctly solves it as "Care package." Host confirms answer

20.This guy who probably doesn't cook very often:

Contestant on a game show incorrectly selects an answer about French cooking schools, loses, and walks off stage

21.This woman who's definitely not an animal expert:

Game show contestant, "Diane," humorously responds to a question about a rabbit in a magician's hat with "Fly away!"
The CW

22.This woman who has some explaining to do:

A game show host asks for a body part everyone has one of. Contestant humorously answers, "Big toe."

23.This man who doesn't know how to spell:

Game show puzzle with empty spaces. Contestant says, "Uh, an ace of kidneys?" Another answers, "An act of kindness." The host confirms

24.This guy who took a stab in the dark:

Jeopardy-style game show screen. Clue mentions a Christian hymn, a Jewish holiday hymn, and a Tony-nominated musical. Contestant's wrong response: "What is Kinky Boots?" Wager: $14,000

FYI: The correct response was "Rock of Ages."


25.This woman who should definitely not become a doctor:

Game show scene with host at podium. Contestant answers, "A gerbil," surprising host and fellow player
The CW

26.This woman who was definitely thinking of something else:

A contestant guesses "Popsicle bite" and is incorrect. Another guesses "Honeysuckle bush" and is correct on a game show

27.This woman who didn't understand the question but still gets an A+ for effort:

A vintage TV show scene with a contestant humorously responding to a question about unusual locations with "Um. In the ass?"

28.This woman who's not THAT wrong:

A game show contestant humorously answers a question about telephone parts with "The bottom part."

29.This guy who gave Steve Harvey heart palpitations:

Game show set with host laughing and looking surprised at a contestant's humorous answer, "A big penis," to a question comparing to Brad Pitt
The CW

30.This guy who didn't even try at all:

Game show scene with contestant naming "Lesbian" as a type of bean, reacting in surprise

31.This guy who forgot what days are:

Family Feud clip: Contestant answers "December" to prompt "Name a day when you want to be with friends."

32.And this newlywed who probably just got divorced:

A contestant on a game show humorously responds to a question, leading to awkward laughter and surprise from others