23 Shows That Started Off Bad But Became The Greatest Of All Time
We asked the BuzzFeed Community which TV shows had mediocre starts but ultimately became great. Here's what they said:
"Season 1 was funny, don't get me wrong, but once they let the B characters have some more screen time, it really picked up!"
"Breaking Bad moves so slowly for the first two seasons that I struggled to get through them. It picks up the pace later, but my best friend has never made it through the first season."
"Season 1 DRAGGED for the first half."
4.It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
"I could not get into the show at first, so I started jumping around episodes based on titles and recommendations. It wasn't until I was a full-fledged fan that I went back to watch the first season. It's still hilarious, obviously, these actors are pure gold, but I def feel like it has just gotten better and better. They have really stepped it up in terms of writing, special effects, originality."
"It is very noticeable how the special effects budget increased as the show's following grew. It's a great show and wraps up satisfyingly, too."
"Bob's Burgers has changed so much since the first season. Bob was much angrier and short-tempered. Linda wasn't the silly, supportive wife she is now. She was more of a typical worried sitcom wife. Tina started as a selfish brat who didn't care about her family much, and Gene and Louise were more kooky side characters. Thankfully, the whole vibe of the show changed after the first season."
"I didn't start watching it until about a year ago, and all I could think of was that there are 15 seasons!!! SURELY it gets better. I felt like it finally picked up around Season 3."
"It started off too slow with a lack of plot, but later in the series, the characters really developed, and there were better storylines."
9.The Office
"Season 1 wasn't the worst, but they were working off of the feel of the British version, even using some of the same jokes, so it was nice when they started coming into their own in later seasons."
10.Buffy the Vampire Slayer
"The first season was pretty much just 'monster of the week' episodes, so it didn't have the complexities of the later seasons and felt a little choppy. The special effects could also be pretty cringeworthy. Once they hit Season 2, they got a bigger budget and a better big bad and never looked back!"
"While the first season was fun, there was a lot of cringe. The Master was a dull villain, and the show sometimes felt quite preachy with some of their 'monsters of the week.' While it still went up and down (S3 is probably the strongest season), and people can be quite harsh on S4 and S6, those seasons also gave us some of the most innovative, interesting, and experimental episodes of television, like 'Once More, with Feeling,' 'Hush,' 'Restless,' 'Tabula Rasa' and 'This Year's Girl/Who Are You?'"
11.Star Trek: The Next Generation
"The first couple seasons are very choppy, but in Season 3, the uniforms got collars, and they started making some of the best stand-alone science fiction stories of all time."
"A lot of shows are at their weakest in the first season. The actors are still working on their characters while trying to get in sync with the other actors, and the writers are still feeling out the story arcs while getting used to working with each other. STNG was no different. The stories were too simple, and the acting was professional but not inspired. So much better in Season 2."
12.Parks and Recreation
"The first season was garbage. Leslie was ditzy, and it didn't work. The second season did a total 180, and then when Adam Scott and Rob Lowe joined the cast, it became perfection!"
"The first season definitely was good enough to gain a significant following of viewers, but after watching later seasons, you realize how poorly Season 1 was done. Leslie is more of an annoying character than a sweet one. Anne and Andy are still dating (?!), and none of the characters have hit their strides yet."
"I always skip Season 1 when I do a rewatch. I think we can all agree that it found its rhythm when Chris and Ben were added to the cast."
13.Doctor Who
"Specifically the 2005 relaunch — if you aren't already a fan of the show and all of its lore, it's really hard to get past that first season with the ninth doctor."
"I like to think of the Tennant years as their own series — S2 was the low point for me, but 3 was good, and 4 was brilliant, and Tennant's recent return was the icing on top of the cake. Granted, I am also a Donna/Martha fan and have no time for Rose. 😂"
14.American Dad
"It started off trying to match the same humor as Family Guy (both were created by Seth MacFarlane) and focused too heavily on politics. As the show went on and the characters evolved, they developed their own humor and style. Family Guy often overshadows it, but the quality is miles ahead in comparison, especially in recent years, and they aren't afraid to break the formula and experiment. Honestly one of the best animated shows out today."
15.The Big Bang Theory
"I'm probably going to get some heat, but The Big Bang Theory hit its stride in Season 3, in my opinion."
"I absolutely hated Big Bang at first, but my husband loved it, so of course we watched it. I started loving it when they gave Penny more depth and dimension, like a real girl instead of a Barbie. Same with Bernadette and Amy. When the female characters were flat and stupid, so was the show. When every character got depth and complexity, it was wonderful."
16.The Good Fight
"Season 1 was meh, but the latest seasons were AMAZING. Getting rid of Rose Leslie's character was 100% the right choice."
17.Schitt's Creek
"The first season was ok, typical, and maybe blah at moments, but it hit its stride in the second season and never lost it."
"I always tell people to stick with it because the first season is just okay, but if you make it to Season 3, you'll be absolutely in love with it."
18.Stranger Things
"Don't get me wrong, it's a great show, and the first season is really good, but I didn't really get into the show until Season 2, and it just got better and better from there."
19.The Middle
"The first season was a little slow and awkward, but it quickly became one of the funniest, quirky, and heartwarming shows. One of my favorites."
"Don't get me wrong, there are some good moments in Season 1, but the show really didn't start to find its way until Season 2. Kramer's character development took a large leap, and the Elaine character became more prevalent."
21.Cougar Town
"People will probably give me a side eye for mentioning this show at all, but Cougar Town. It ended up actually being so funny."
"The pilot is amazing, but the 'freak of the week' trope and the love triangle gets old fast. Season 2 is a little weak, too, but once the more season-connected stories started, the show hit its stride. I think Season 3 is probably the strongest."
23.And finally, Night Court
"The first show that came to mind is the Night Court reboot. Season 2 has been much better than Season 1."
"The new Night Court's first season was pretty dry and cheesy. The second season is so much better and finally has more of the feel of the original show. I hope it continues because I'm really enjoying it."
Responses have been edited for length/clarity.
So, did your favorites make the list? Let us know in the comments!