21 TV Shows That Were Honestly Perfect At The Beginning But Then Became A Total Dumpster Fire Mess
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A little while ago, we asked the BuzzFeed Community which TV shows had first seasons that are so perfect, they should've just been a standalone series. Y'all had SO much to say that we need to make a whole new list.
So here are 23 more TV shows that had *perfect* first seasons, but then totally went off the rails:
Actual number of seasons: 3
"The last season was unwatchable. The overacting was painful. And the storylines just embarrassingly bad. The first season was brilliant, and the second pretty good."
Actual number of seasons: 7
"Maybe not just the first season, but the first two seasons of Scandal were perfection. It has its moments later on, but the storyline just gets more and more convoluted and hard to follow as time went on."
Actual number of seasons: 2
"What the fuck was going on in that studio?! 😂 Season 2 was like an entirely different show, of a different genre, in another universe, LOL."
Actual number of seasons: 15
"I am a die-hard, true blue SPN fan, but that show would’ve ended perfectly and gorgeously after Season 5 (the finale episode of that season, 'Swan Song' is in itself a masterpiece). The show still had many memorable moments in the (10!!!!) seasons that followed, but in the middle years of the show, there are some real stinkers."
Actual number of seasons: 3
"They scrambled to tie up loose ends because Season 3 was announced to be its last. But the show started brilliantly!"
Actual number of seasons: 4
"The first season was absolutely fantastic. Season 2 was still good, Season 3 really went downhill, and the fourth was a dumpster fire. None of them matched the first season, IMO."
"Killing Eve was never the same after Phoebe Waller-Bridge left as showrunner. A lot of Season 1's brilliance can be credited to her, and after that it just started decreasing in quality. And don't even get me started on the utter sham that was the series finale...😒"
Actual number of seasons: 5
"On the first episode of Season 2, we learn that they killed off the main male character (played by Andy Sandberg), and recast the main female character. It feels like a completely different show, and not a better one!"
8.Black Summer
Actual number of seasons: 2
"I was so hooked by the first season, but the second was unwatchable [and] boring to me."
Actual number of seasons: 4
"The first season was raw and emotional. The rest were messy and awful."
"I liked the concept of season 2 (someone’s side of the story is not always the full story), but the actual execution didn’t work."
Actual number of seasons: 3, with a fourth and final one on the way
"Wtf was that second season?"
11.True Blood
Actual number of seasons: 7
"True Blood had an AMAZING first season, and it got increasingly bad with each subsequent season. There was no concise plan for the direction of the show, and it was obvious. Series creator Alan Ball even thanked the viewers for not ditching the show at the end of the third season, it was so bad."
12.Dark Angel
Actual number of seasons: 2
"Season 1 was awesome. Season 2 sucked eggs. It deserved its cancelation."
13.The Following
Actual number of seasons: 3
"The first season was a little far-fetched, but still amazing. The other two seasons just couldn’t compete."
Actual number of seasons: 3, with a fourth and final one on the way
"Season 2 and onwards just felt repetitive and boring."
15.Twin Peaks
Actual number of seasons: 3
"The ultimate in terms of going off the rails between Seasons 1 and 2 is Twin Peaks."
Actual number of seasons: 4
"The first season was perfection, and then it got confusing and ridiculous."
17.Sleepy Hollow
Actual number of seasons: 4
"I loved that show, but Season 1 was the best, and all the others paled in comparison. Sometimes, shows should be short in episode count and end when they're still good."
18.The 100
Actual number of seasons: 7
"Seasons 1 and 2 were good…then it just plummeted in quality every season until the end."
19.How to Get Away with Murder
Actual number of seasons: 6
"Season 1 was spectacular, and it should have been left at that."
Actual number of seasons: 6
"I ended up skipping through most of the newbie storylines because they just felt like boring remakes of the OGs. I really only cared about the episodes where the old cast came back. Honestly, it should’ve ended after Season 3."
21.The Punisher
Actual number of seasons: 2
"I found Season 1 to be an amazing portrayal of PTSD with a great villain. While I love watching Jon Bernthal play Frank no matter what, Season 2 just felt lacking. It felt more focused on action and making Frank a pseudo-father than any sort of nuance."
Responses have been edited for length/clarity.
Did your favorite (or least favorite) make the list? Let us know in the comments!