275 Would You Rather Questions Great for Game Night

friends sitting on couch eating pizza hanging out
275 Would You Rather Questions for a Fun Night InMint Images - Getty Images

Looking for something a bit more unexpected than your standard Best Two Player Card Games? Nothing is more fun—or revealing—than a game of Would You Rather. It's a party favorite for good reason: Players must choose between two scenarios, from serious to silly, strange, and downright crazy, and then explain why they picked the one they did. Would You Rather is an epic icebreaker activity, and it's great for dates (maybe the second one!), holiday gatherings, or just a chill hangout with your besties. Plus it isn't a drinking card game, so it will suit most any players. It's not as revealing as Truth or Dare, but Would You Rather is a festive, free way to learn a little bit more about what your friends and family love, giving you a quick peek into their personal preferences and even values.

The key is to ask creative Would You Rather questions, like the 275 we've suggested below. Ideally, you want to encourage discussion, so consider using some deep queries that might cause a little soul-searching, like "Would you rather be obscenely wealthy and very unhealthy, or in perfect health and penniless?" But of course, not every question has to be so weighty. Leave plenty of room for head-scratchers that will get everyone giggling, such as "Would you rather know what your pets think of you or never hear them speak?" Check out our list below and jot down the ones you like best, then head to 50 Fun Things to Do With Friends for more entertaining endeavors you can do with your crew.

Funny Would You Rather Questions

friends laughing having dinner together
  1. Would you rather hop everywhere or skip everywhere?

  2. You can only hear one song for the rest of your life: Would you rather it be "Baby" by Justin Bieber or "Red" by Taylor Swift?

  3. Would you rather have Dolly Parton’s or Billie Eilish’s wardrobe?

  4. Would you rather have the ability to see 10 minutes into the future or 150 years into the future?

  5. Would you rather have telekinesis (the ability to move things with your mind) or telepathy (the ability to read minds)?

  6. Would you rather smell like feet or smell like eggs?

  7. Would you rather be able to run on your hands or write with your feet?

  8. Would you rather sleep for a whole year or not sleep at all for a year?

  9. Would you rather live under the sea or in space?

  10. Would you rather have eyes in the back of your head or be able to taste with your fingers?

  11. Would you rather get a paper cut every time you turn a page or bite your tongue every time you eat?

  12. Would you rather oversleep every day for a week or not get any sleep at all for four days?

  13. Would you rather wear the same socks for a month or the same underwear for a week?

  14. Would you rather work an overtime shift with your annoying boss or spend full day with your mother-in-law?

  15. Would you rather team up with Wonder Woman or Captain Marvel?

  16. Would you rather be forced to sing along or dance to every single song you hear?

  17. Would you rather swim in a pool full of Nutella or a pool full of maple syrup?

  18. Would you rather buy 10 things you don't need every time you go shopping or always forget the one thing that you need when you go to the store?

  19. Would you rather be 11 feet tall or nine inches tall?

  20. Would you rather be stuck in a romantic comedy with your worst enemy or in a horror movie with your best friend?

  21. Would you rather be able to speak every language in the world or be able talk to animals?

  22. Would you rather always feel hungry or always feel tired?

  23. Would you rather have the ability to be invisible or to read people’s minds?

  24. Would you rather have a knife when you need a spoon or a spoon when you need a knife?

  25. Would you rather live with a barnyard of animals in your house or live in the barn with the animals?

  26. Would you rather have two long, front teeth like a beaver or no teeth at all?

  27. Would you rather have to use shrimp-flavored toothpaste or deodorant that smells like cheese?

  28. Would rather have 100 duck-size elephants or one elephant-size duck?

  29. Would you rather listen to an annoying laugh for a whole day or get tickled for one hour?

  30. Would you rather eat all your food with your hands or use utensils with only your non-dominant hand?

  31. Would you rather be a kid your whole life or an adult your whole life?

  32. Would you rather a "ding" sound every time you wink, or a "pow-pow" sound every time you make a finger gun?

  33. Would you rather speak in a baby voice for a day or be spoken to in a baby voice for a day?

  34. Would you rather spend the day wearing wet socks or with a popcorn kernel stuck in your teeth?

  35. Would you rather kiss everyone you meet or never kiss anyone again?

  36. Would you rather have a head the size of a small grapefruit or the size of a giant watermelon?

  37. Would you rather be the cowboy riding the bull or the clown who distracts it?

  38. Would you rather be followed by a band wherever you go or by someone narrating your life?

  39. Would you rather get $1 every time you compliment a stranger or $100 every time you insult a stranger?

  40. Would you always rather smell like garlic or a wet dog?

  41. Would you rather never get lost again or never lose your balance again?

  42. Would you rather give up showering or internet for a month?

  43. Would you rather be a baby with the mind of an adult or an adult with the mind of a baby?

  44. Would you rather have every meal you eat for the rest of your life be too spicy, or too sweet?

  45. Would you rather have horns or a tail?

  46. Would you rather wrestle a gorilla or two alligators?

  47. Would You rather have a Texas accent and live in New York or a New York accent and live in Texas?

  48. Would you rather have to always say everything that pops into your head or never be able to say what you feel?

  49. Would you rather wear pants three sizes too big or shoes three sizes too small?

  50. Would you rather work as a bouncer at a trashy nightclub or as a personal assistant to a high-maintenance celebrity?

  51. Would you rather only speak in riddles or only speak in rhyme?

  52. Would you rather spend a week in the woods without a tent or a night in a real haunted house?

  53. Would you rather have a food fight or a water balloon battle?

  54. Would you rather meet Bigfoot or an alien?

  55. Would you rather have a unibrow or no eyebrows at all?

  56. Would you rather always forget to buy one thing at the grocery store or always buy five things you don't need?

  57. Would you rather love Brussels sprouts or hate ice cream?

  58. Would you rather be covered in fur or covered in scales?

  59. Would you rather need to sleep for 12 hours every day or never sleep again?

Hard Would You Rather Questions

friends having serious conversation in cafe
skynesher - Getty Images
  1. Would you rather live in a country with a low cost of living but horrible weather or live in a country with a high cost of living and amazing weather?

  2. Would you rather have a face that everyone laughs at or a name that everyone laughs at?

  3. Would you rather be infamous in history books or be forgotten after your death?

  4. Would you rather be held in high regard by your parents or your friends?

  5. Would you rather be homeless but never have to work or work at a job you hate for the rest of your life?

  6. Would you rather end war or poverty?

  7. Would you rather be able to forget your worst memory, or remember your best memory better?

  8. Would you rather stay young physically or mentally?

  9. Would you rather have more time, or more money?

  10. Would you rather live forever or die at a normal age?

  11. Would you rather be personally fulfilled or professionally fulfilled?

  12. Would you rather know the date of your death or the cause of your death?

  13. Would you rather be around negative loved ones or positive strangers?

  14. Would you rather be really beautiful or really smart?

  15. Would you rather live ten years longer with regrets or die ten years early with no regrets?

  16. Would you rather visit the past or travel into the future?

  17. Would you rather fulfill your biggest wish or resolve your biggest regret?

  18. Would you rather have a terrible memory or absolutely no common sense?

  19. Would you rather be the boss of a failing company or an entry-level employee at a successful one?

  20. Would you rather always be stressed or sad?

  21. Would you rather pause this time in your life or fast forward through it?

  22. Would you rather be the only one laughing at someone, or the only one being laughed at?

  23. Would you rather face punishment for a crime or try to hide it and get away?

  24. Would you rather live in a world without music or one without colors?

  25. Would you rather live a dangerous and exciting life or a safe and boring one?

  26. Would you rather be more patient or more confident?

  27. Would you rather earn a ton of money doing work you hate or a little money doing work you love?

  28. Would you rather get rid of 99% of the world’s population or make extinct 99% of all living creatures?

  29. Would you rather drop a bad habit or gain a good one?

  30. Would you rather live 200 years in the past or 200 years in the future?

  31. Would you rather have no emotions or feel every single emotion incredibly intensely?

  32. Would you rather solve world hunger or cure cancer?

  33. Would you rather live in a mountain cabin with no human contact or a big city studio apartment with three roommates?

  34. Would you rather give up social media or be an influencer?

  35. Would you rather trust everyone always or never trust anyone ever?

  36. Would you rather have unlimited respect or unlimited power?

  37. Would you rather be obscenely wealthy and very unhealthy, or in perfect health and penniless?

  38. Would you rather live an ordinary life or stand out and be considered a freak?

  39. Would you rather believe in something that no one else does or know a secret you could never share?

  40. Would you rather never feel physical pain or never feel emotional pain?

  41. Would you rather get rich in a way that disappoints your loved ones or make just enough money to live?

  42. Would you rather be unhoused or in prison?

  43. Would you rather be stuck on an island for eternity alone or with someone you hate?

  44. Would you rather never get angry or never be envious?

  45. Would you rather never leave the country or leave and never come back?

Strange Would You Rather Questions

friends having fun together at home, game night
FG Trade - Getty Images
  1. Would you rather have to always wear heavy boots or have to never be able to wear shoes?

  2. Would you rather be reincarnated as a sea creature or an airborne creature?

  3. Would you rather have to speak in rhyme for the rest of your life or have to speak in riddles for the rest of your life?

  4. Would you rather be forced to live the same day over and over again for a full year, or take 3 years off the end of your life?

  5. Would you rather lose your sense of smell or your sense of taste?

  6. Would you rather have the hiccups forever or always feel as though you’re about to sneeze?

  7. Would you rather be forced to listen to the "Barney" theme song or someone slurp soup for 24 hours straight?

  8. Would you rather live one life for 1,000 years or 10 lives for 100 years each?

  9. Would you rather have to dress fancy or in sweats, no matter the situation, for the rest of your life?

  10. Would you rather give away all of your money or all of your belongings?

  11. Would you rather erase all of your most embarrassing moments from everyone else’s memories, or erase them from your own memory?

  12. Would you rather work cleaning up toxic waste or as a mortician’s assistant?

  13. Would you rather know what your pets think of you or never hear them speak?

  14. Would you rather live under a sky with no clouds or no stars?

  15. Would you rather wear a Dracula cape everywhere you go for a month or a pirate eye patch?

  16. Would you rather not shower for a week or 3 times a day for a week?

  17. Would you rather be stuck in a zombie apocalypse or an alien invasion?

  18. Would you rather wear really ugly glasses that are the right prescription or ones that look great but are just slightly blurry?

  19. Would you rather begin every sentence with "Hey jerkface," or end every sentence with "Haha, I was just kidding"?

  20. Would you rather never be able to close your eyes or never be able to close your mouth?

  21. Would you flip a coin if heads meant you get a billion dollars, and tails meant you die instantly?

  22. Would you rather have an extra toe or an extra finger?

  23. Would you rather relive the same day over and over for a year or lose a year of your life?

  24. Would you rather ruin the surprise for a surprise party or show up in costume to a black tie event?

  25. Would you rather eat old, mystery leftovers in your fridge or a total stranger’s leftovers?

  26. Would you rather be half your height or double your weight?

  27. Would you rather be a regular person or an immortal dog?

  28. Would you rather find gum stuck in your hair or a huge spider?

  29. Would you rather be in jail for five years or be in a coma for a decade?

  30. Would you rather babysit a crying baby for a day or turn into a crying baby for an hour?

  31. Would you rather be followed everywhere by someone playing the flute or be surprised every day by someone playing a tuba?

  32. Would you rather live in an underground bunker for the rest of your life, or in a tree house for the rest of your life?

  33. Would you rather live your life over as the opposite gender or start your life over as a kid again?

  34. Would you rather have terribly chapped lips or scratchy, dry eyes?

  35. Would you rather fight 1,000 ant-sized polar bears or one polar bear-sized ant?

  36. Would you rather have no elbows or no knees?

  37. Would you rather be able to read minds or move objects with your mind?

  38. Would you rather have a dog with a baby's face or a baby with a dog's face?

  39. Would you rather get a paper cut whenever you read a book or bite your tongue at every meal?

  40. Would you rather be seated on an airplane between a couple that's arguing or next to a crying baby?

  41. Would you rather be the smartest person in a world full of stupid people or the stupidest person in a world full of smart people?

  42. Would you rather be naked at work for an hour or be dropped off naked a mile from your house?

  43. Would you rather have a bed that's half the length or half the width of your current bed?

  44. Would you rather be a happy idiot or a miserable genius?


Would You Rather Questions for Kids

a group of kids and an adult in the woods chatting and laughing
Ariel Skelley - Getty Images
  1. Would you rather have a robot that does your homework or a robot that cleans your room?

  2. Would you rather eat chocolate-flavored broccoli or broccoli-flavored chocolate?

  3. Would you rather have a never-ending supply of pizza or never-ending tacos?

  4. Would you rather have a lifetime supply of ice cream or a lifetime supply of chips?

  5. Would you rather give up chocolate forever or give up candy forever?

  6. Would you rather only eat vegetables for a month or only eat fast food for a month?

  7. Would you rather never eat your favorite meal again or have to eat your least favorite meal once a week?

  8. Would you rather never be able to use condiments or have to put a condiment on everything you eat?

  9. Would you rather have no homework ever again or be guaranteed an A in all your classes?

  10. Would you rather go to school only four days a week or have a two-month summer vacation instead of three?

  11. Would you rather be homeschooled or go to a traditional school?

  12. Would you rather be the President of the United States for a day or a billionaire for a day?

  13. Would you rather never be able to use the phone again or never be able to use a computer again?

  14. Would you rather never be able to laugh again or never be able to smile again?

  15. Would you rather lose the ability to cry or cry every day for 20 minutes randomly?

  16. Would you rather give a pig a walk or give a turtle a walk?

  17. Would you rather be itchy or sticky forever?

  18. Would you rather be a leader or a follower?

  19. Would you rather wear a swimsuit in winter or a snowsuit in summer?

  20. Would you rather have your own robot or a jetpack?

  21. Would you rather be a great artist or a renowned scientist?

  22. Would you rather have a flying magic carpet or a see-through submarine?

  23. Would you rather create a new holiday or create a new language?

  24. Would you rather lick a trash can or the bathroom floor?

  25. Would you rather have four arms or four legs?

  26. Would you rather live 100 years in the past or 100 years in the future?

  27. Would you rather be the smartest person in the world or the best athlete ever?

  28. Would you rather eat with 50 people or eat alone?

  29. Would you rather spend all of your money on fun experiences or on cool things?

  30. Would you rather get brain freeze from ice cream or burn your mouth on hot food?

  31. Would you rather fly to Mars or visit the depths of the ocean?

  32. Would you rather be able to breathe fire or breathe underwater?

  33. Would you rather cheat on a test and have nobody find out or be accused of cheating on a test when you didn't?

  34. Would you rather ask for help or figure it out on your own?

  35. Would you rather be the worst player on a winning team or the best player on a losing team?

  36. Would you rather drink melted ice-cream or eat cold fries?

  37. Would you rather always have to shout whenever you talk or whisper?

  38. Would you rather ride an elephant or a camel across the country?

  39. Would you rather meet someone famous from history or meet someone famous from a book?

  40. Would you rather have goosebumps for a day or butterflies in your stomach for a day?

  41. Would you rather meet Santa Claus or Harry Potter?

  42. Would you rather be very strong or very fast?

  43. Would you rather be able to slide down rainbows or jump on clouds?

  44. Would you rather have a hook for a hand or a peg for a leg?

  45. Would you rather be able to control water or fire?

  46. Would you rather live in the North Pole or the South Pole?

  47. Would you rather have five good friends or one best friend?

  48. Would you rather have really tiny hands or really huge feet?

  49. Would you rather have binoculars for eyes and be able to see really far away or have microscopes for eyes and be able to really see close-up?

  50. Would you rather eat an insect or eat a dirt-covered chocolate?

  51. Would you rather wake up early every morning or stay up late every night?

  52. Would you rather wear clown shoes every day or a clown nose every day?

  53. Would you rather be able to talk to ghosts or travel through time?

  54. Would you rather turn into your mom or your dad for the day?

  55. Would you rather give up listening to music or watching movies?

  56. Would you rather be the youngest child or the oldest child?

Would You Rather Questions for Couples

smiling couple on a date at the park talking outside
Mixmike - Getty Images
  1. Would you rather be the couple that everyone is jealous of or the couple everyone wants to be friends with?

  2. Would you rather be embarrassed in front of your in-laws or your partner’s boss?

  3. Would you rather attend a car race or a baseball game together?

  4. Would you rather have a picnic with your partner or go to a fancy dinner?

  5. Would you rather be a power business couple or a famous movie star couple?

  6. Would you rather be dumped or do the dumping?

  7. Would you rather your S.O. read your diary from when you were a teen or your texts about them to your friends?

  8. Would you rather have kids or travel the globe?

  9. Would you rather know when you are going to die or your partner is going to die?

  10. Would you rather marry someone you just met or marry someone you’ve known for forever but have no romantic feelings for?

  11. Would you rather your S.O. be best friends with your ex, or best friends with their ex?

  12. Would you rather find true love or be fabulously rich?

  13. Would you rather your spouse dislike all of your friends or all of your friends dislike your spouse?

  14. Would you rather outlive your S.O. or have your S.O. outlive you?

  15. Would you rather have a house cleaner every week or a masseuse once a month?

  16. Would you rather your partner always be late or always be early?

  17. Would you rather have a dozen kids or no kids?

  18. Would you rather date someone with a difficult ex or someone with difficult parents?

  19. Would you rather argue all night to resolve a conflict or end the argument unresolved before bed?

  20. Would you rather get stuck in an elevator with your ex or your S.O.'s ex?

  21. Would you rather have to plan every single moment or live absolutely spontaneously and never plan anything?

  22. Would you rather date someone who likes to go out every night or someone who likes to stay home every night?

  23. Would you rather discover that your partner hates animals or that they cheated on their ex?

  24. Would you rather your best friend or your boss falls in love with you?

  25. Would you rather date someone who is direct but offensive sometimes or extremely shy and never speaks their mind?

  26. Would you rather have a spouse that chews loudly or spits when they talk?

  27. Would you rather be in a relationship where you challenge each other or one in which you always agree?

  28. Would you rather your spouse earn more money than you, or you earn more money than your spouse?

  29. Would you rather have a partner with bad breath or body odor?

  30. Would you rather save all of your money for life, or spend it and live broke?

  31. Would you rather have your heart broken or break someone's heart?

  32. Would you rather your spouse be attracted to your soul or your body?

  33. Would you rather be vegan or gluten-free?

  34. Would you rather be in a relationship where you love them more or they love you more?

  35. Would you rather share a toothbrush with your partner or have to wear their underwear?

  36. Would you rather date someone much older than you or much younger than you?

  37. Would you rather your parents arrange your marriage or marry your most recent ex?

  38. Would you rather accidentally send a hot text to an in-law or your boss?

  39. Would you rather know all of your spouse's secrets or none of them?

  40. Would you rather tell your partner a truth you know would hurt, or hurt your partner’s feelings by not telling?

  41. Would you rather be with a super possessive partner or a very distant one?

  42. Would you rather your partner be a great cook and messy around the house or an awful cook but very neat?

  43. Would you rather never have sex or never find love?

  44. Would you rather go back in time to meet your ancestors or go into the future to meet your great-grandchildren?

  45. Would you rather have your dream job and be unable to retire for 30 years or have a terrible job but get to retire in 10 years?

  46. Would you rather meet the love of your life in high school or at the age of 30?

Holiday Would You Rather Questions

  1. Would you rather eat a whole turkey in one sitting or never eat turkey again?

  2. Would you rather trick or treat every afternoon in October or have to wear a costume every day of October?

  3. Would you rather eat potato latkes or eat apples & honey?

  4. Would you rather be a kid or a grandparent during the holidays?

  5. Would your rather wrap presents or hang ornaments?

  6. Would you rather host Thanksgiving or be hosted for Thanksgiving?

  7. Would you rather wear matching Christmas pajamas or matching Halloween costumes?

  8. Would you rather drink hot cider or hot cocoa?

  9. Would you rather open presents or open your stocking?

  10. Would you rather get one extra large candy bar or 100 fun size candy bars?

  11. Would you rather spook someone or get spooked?

  12. Would you rather watch scary movies or tour a haunted house?

  13. Would you rather do door to door caroling or sing in a church choir?

  14. Would you rather have an angel tree topper or a star treetopper?

  15. Would you rather have a tree skirt or a tree collar?

  16. Would you rather have white string lights or colorful string lights on your tree?

  17. Would you rather have a flocked tree or a plain tree?

  18. Would you rather host Christmas breakfast or Christmas dinner?

  19. Would you rather only work on holidays or only get holidays off work?

  20. Would you rather work as a mall Santa or untangle 100's of strands of Christmas lights

  21. Would you rather get a paper cut every time you wrap a Hanukkah present or get burned every time you light the menorah?

  22. Would you rather have tinsel for hair or icicles?

  23. Would you rather wear an elf costume or a Santa costume?

  24. Would you rather bake Christmas cookies or build a gingerbread house?

  25. Would you rather have to put up outdoor Christmas lights for all your neighbors or wrap all the holiday presents for extended family members?

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