These 18 Dangerously Hilarious Internet Fails Made Me Laugh So Hard My Side Literally Split

Despite our repeated attempts, another Monday has appeared. One of these days, we'll find a way to rid ourselves of them for good. But since today is not that day, here are 18 hilarious fails from last week to keep us going:

1. Honestly, I kinda see what she meant.

Twitter: @jennlynnjordan

2. I don't like this. I don't like this one juicy bit.

Twitter: @maroonsversion

3. Just keep shaking until the leaves turn to dust, I guess.

Twitter: @arlenparsa

4. But I'm replying now, so doesn't that count for something?

Twitter: @NC_Renic

5. I do not wish to be perceived by devices.

Twitter: @RYGdance

6. Please zoom quietly.

Twitter: @SickGnar_Dude

7. At least the Hamburglar isn't going to take your lunch.

Twitter: @nickhexum311

8. I am not sure I'd ever eat cereal again after this.

Twitter: @vriesdiary

9. If you're going to frame AI art, it must be an image of Shrek.

Twitter: @Scahfferburner

10. Mom, I think that's kind of the idea.

Twitter: @HeronEmoji

11. I'm not at liberty to say how often this happens to me.

Twitter: @TeamGladney

13. But hey, maybe the new employee went right to sleep.

Twitter: @clhubes

14. Please know your order before you get to the counter.

Twitter: @michael___wave

15. Sorry, I can only be there at 2:50.

Twitter: @mayahiga

16. Oh, and a baby, too, I guess.

Twitter: @traciebreaux

17. I really need to know what these were, and in what order.

Twitter: @glamdemon2004

18. And finally...if you go on a "walk" on Thursday, make sure you have a plan to get home.

Twitter: @DanManCarney

If you enjoyed these laughs, go follow the creators! And for more fails, check out our most recent posts:

These 19 Internet Fails From Last Week Made Me Laugh So Hard I Shed A Single, Solitary Tear

These 18 Hilarious Internet Fails Made Me Laugh So Hard I Forgot Last Week Even Existed

19 Hilarious Internet Fails That Are So Funny, I Almost Forgot It's Election Week