17 Mind-Bending Photos From This Week That’ll Make You Rethink Reality
Welcome back to another weekly roundup of Reddit's most mind-bending photos, friends! Last week was a doozy and, of course, this week is, too. As always, let us know which one really had you staring and thinking way too long. Let's go:
1.No, this plane is not somehow flying underwater:
It just has tinted windows!
2.This truck does not have a miniature house inside it:
It is a small mirror with shutters resting on the bumper.
3.This cat is not missing a limb:
That isn't the cat's arm in front; it appears to be a stick or bone. The cat's actual arm is tucked under its chest.
4.This woman does not have a huge head with a tiny body and her hands on her hips:
She is wearing a black top with a white jacket that has black edges on the lapel.
5.These candles are not magically creating a warped shadow:
One is actually leaning directly toward the camera and the other is leaning away from the camera.
6.This cat does not have five paws:
It is sitting on top of another cat that you can't see!
7.This is not a giant snail on the road...
Nor is it flying in the sky:
It is just on the window of a person's car.
8.This is not a TV with buildings on the screen:
It is a picture window overlooking the city.
9.These tire tracks are not jumping off the road:
They are just angled in a way that makes it look like they are.
10.This floor mat does not have eyes:
A black cat is sitting on it.
11.This vehicle is not levitating:
It is truly just a weird perspective that messes with your mind.
12.These two dogs do not have backward heads:
One dog is on top of the other!
13.There are not three doorways here:
There is just one, and the other thing you are seeing is a mirror and the reflection of the door.
14.This is not a morphing dog with a weird eye:
What looks like its eye is actually its nose!
15.This cat is not sticking out its tongue at you:
It is the person's nail.
16.This is not two separate photos:
The headstones are just perfectly lining up with the horizon:
17.And, finally, this is not a horse with a human arm:
The person taking the photo is behind the horse and you don't see it in the pic!