16 Wildly Scary Photos That Sent Shivers Down My Spine And Through My Butthole
I don't like the way these 16 photos from r/oddlyterrifying make me feel. HBU?
1."A type of Thai massage":
2."Strange cloud formation":
3."Horribly distorted baby face on a diaper rack":
4."Three hungry dogs":
5."This fishing spot":
6."This is where I work":
7."Hamburger that looks like it would eat you":
8."Car parking without safety barriers":
9."This skull tree":
10."This sackcloth mask in a forest cemetery":
11."Mannequin head on a wooden fence at 1 a.m.":
12."Ammo vending machines":
13."Brain tissue of a CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) patient under a microscope, showing holes everywhere (the white circles). CJD is closely related to 'zombie deer disease' (CWD). It is 100% fatal, and there is no treatment.":
14."Medieval eye torture mask":
15."These signs all over the place at my job":
16.And finally, "I had to come back this morning to take a picture because last night I shit myself":