16 Bizarre Mysteries That Might Never Be Solved, And It’s Incredibly Weird
1.Why this playground made a giant gorilla with slide tubes coming out of where its nipples would be is beyond me:
2.And why this church made baby Jesus this size is truly baffling:
3.Why these property owners decided headbutting would be their form of punishment makes no sense to me:
4.Why owls eat this many bones and then yack 'em up is an unsettling fact:
5.Why this dried plant that looks like the skulls of tortured souls is something nature will never explain:
6.Why this singular burial for an "Unknown Miner" is in an Australian forest surpasses my realm of understanding:
u/TurnipsHateAccount / reddit.com
7.Why this truck insulation looks like hair coming out of the exhaust is something that I do not have an answer for:
8.Why this bathroom stall has three different locks is something we will never know:
9.Why this part of a sea urchin looks like miniature boobs is a weird, unexplainable fact:
10.Why (and how) these upside down elevated footprints appeared on this fridge is a mystery, even to the homeowner:
u/fundlebundle01 / reddit.com
11.Why these two things are considered garden decorations:
12.And why this tree looks like it has tons of eyes is also a weird, unexplainable fact:
13.Why this person developed this unexplainable bite/rash on their arm:
14.Why 16 dead wasps were found in this bathroom is confusing to everyone, including the person who found them:
15.Why this Chuck E. Cheese animatronic ended up being photographed and how it was discovered makes me cringe:
16.And, finally, I have no words for why this thing stares directly into your soul: