16 Fails From This Week That'll Make You Feel Wayyyy Better About Your Own Life

Another week, another list of hilarious fails that people were kind enough to share online for our enjoyment. Take a look at some of the best fails from this week, and at least for a moment, you'll feel a bit better about your own life:

1. It happens to the best of us.

Twitter: @jmurffff

2. That high school language class "name" is a killer.

Twitter: @SarahMackAttack

3. Science needs to create a one million SPF sunscreen that lasts for 12 hours.

Twitter: @PrairieIre

4. Thanks, kiddo.

Twitter: @michelleDbelle

5. Imagine finding out your husband might be a pirate.

Twitter: @sixfootcandy

6. Either get ice cream or eat a vegetable, but you must choose!

Twitter: @vanhaley_yt

7. Tequila comes for us all.

Twitter: @ClaireMPLS

8. I'm gonna hold your hand when I say this...

Twitter: @shiberambles

9. Gardening, housing crisis; tomato, tomahto.

Twitter: @svershbow

10. At least lie to us, LinkedIn.

Twitter: @megannn_lynne

11. My guess is the second from the left.

Twitter: @MattLevy51

12. Admit it: You've reached the lowest low before.

Twitter: @thatCoffman

13. Bluey is, unfortunately, a chip off the old block.

Twitter: @JayFromVenda

14. Better safe than sorry, I say.

Twitter: @hannahmsays

15. Knowledge of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire is enough to keep anyone from a night on the town.

Twitter: @pulpy_fiction

16. And finally: I hope the surprise is cute, at least.

Twitter: @deloisivete

If you enjoyed these laughs, follow the creators! And for more fun fails, check out our most recent posts:

13 Hilarious Internet Fails From This Week That Will Make You Laugh, Cry, And Breathe A Sigh Of Relief That It Didn't Happen To You

15 Unfortunate But Incredibly Funny Fails From The Internet This Week That Make Me Glad People Share Their Pain For The Rest Of Us To Enjoy

14 Incredibly Hilarious Fails From The Internet This Week That Will Make You Die Of Laughter