14 "Unwritten Rules" Most People Believe They're Doing Correctly In Their Everyday Life, When In Fact, They're Doing Them Horribly Wrong

There are those common, unwritten things in life that we all do but probably don't openly discuss. So, when I came across this Reddit thread filled with hundreds of responses sharing those exact things, I nodded my head in agreement at almost all of them. Here is what some people shared:

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity. 

1."Putting the apostrophe on the wrong side of shortened decades, I see it everywhere. It's a contraction, so, for instance, the shortened form of the 1990s is '90s."


2."Overthinking conversations after they happen. Almost everyone does it but no one admits how much it messes with their mind. We all rewind those awkward moments even when they probably didn’t matter at all."

A woman and a man, both in casual clothing, sit back-to-back on a couch looking upset and not speaking to each other
Simonapilolla / Getty Images

3."I've met so many people with shit parents that it's really weird when someone has had a nice upbringing."


"As someone with amazing parents, I can attest to the shocked responses I get when I express how much I love spending time with them. They truly love me unconditionally, just as I am, without a hint of manipulation, criticism, guilt, or negativity. The older I get, the more I realize how truly rare it is to have emotionally intelligent and mature parents."


4."Merging when one lane ends. Just zipper merge, don’t speed up, and try and cut in like an asshole. Let people in if they are already in front of you. It's not that hard."

Dense traffic endures on a highway with a speed limit of 50 displayed. Numerous vehicles are in several lanes, including two red cars on the left and right
Zetter / Getty Images/iStockphoto

5."Recycling. Too many people don’t understand what materials can and cannot go in the recycling. Instead of checking, they put it in any way, potentially contaminating the entire load and negating the point. Also, if it is dirty or has food on it, you have to clean it before putting it in the recycling."


6."Spelling lose as loose."


7."As someone who works in a construction-adjacent field, holding a shovel. If you don't dig for a living, I guarantee you're doing it wrong. The hand closest to the blade should grip the shovel from the TOP, not from the bottom — this allows you to use your non-dominant shoulder and bicep to take up the weight of the dirt rather than putting all the strain on your wrist. Almost every depiction of people digging, from television to fucking silhouette traffic signs, has it entirely wrong."

A dirt-covered shovel is laid down on a soil surface
Momorad / Getty Images

8."Using a blinker."


9."Most people overestimate how much they can multitask effectively and don’t admit it."


10."Sneezing in the arm, not in the elbow. All the bacteria stay on the palms, and then they shake hands."


11."Using their phone as a flashlight while trying to find something in the dark."

Two men, one holding a bucket of popcorn and the other shining a flashlight, stand in an empty movie theater
Leopatrizi / Getty Images

12."There, their and they're gets mixed up nowdays and it's painful."


13."Treat the ‘snooze’ button like a life-saving device. Hitting it just once can totally make up for staying up too late."

A person lies in bed under a blanket, reaching out to a wooden bedside table with a lamp and a potted orchid
Clarissa Leahy / Getty Images/Image Source

14."Judging. Face it, you have an opinion about everyone you see."


Is there anything else you could add to this list? If so, share it with me in the comments below!