13 Hard Truths About America That Europeans Are Finally Ready To Admit To Us, And Sheesh, They Didn't Hold Back

Obviously, we're all aware of the major cultural differences between America and Europe. And leave it to the BuzzFeed Community to be vocal about those differences. This time, Europeans got (brutally) honest about their thoughts on Americans and, well, our country as a whole. Here is what they shared:

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity. 

1."Only two political party options is the complete joke format of democracy."

People voting in booths at a polling station, one booth features an American flag and the word "VOTE."
Evgeniyshkolenko / Getty Images

2."As a European, it never ceases to amaze me how little the US invests in the wellbeing of its own citizens. Basic education, food quality, accessibility of basic healthcare, public transportation, worker protection, and consumer protection all seem to be lacking compared to Europe. So where is all that money going? To immigrants and foreigners? I don't think so. There is plenty of money in America to spend on its own."



3."We know a lot of Americans don’t have a good cultural education. There’s the college student who backpacks for a gap year and just wants to get drunk (or high in Amsterdam). Then there’s the 65-year-old who has never left the States before and is totally helpless and lost. But to continually scorn Yankees who venture over their borders is just stupid. I’m 70 now, lived in London 50 years ago and just retired from the airlines — where I’ve seen every bad behavior from every kind of tourist from everywhere."


4."Americans at home are the most generous and considerate of hosts, but something happens once they travel to other countries, and it has a lot to do with their inbred 'exceptionalism' and xenophobia — a combination borne of willful ignorance and BS backstory that Americans tell themselves that they are the 'tip of the spear of freedom' and the 'greatest country in the world.' In the main, this is why Americans abroad are reviled and ridiculed the world over."

People crossing a street, wearing casual summer clothing and hats, in a historic city setting
Lorado / Getty Images

5."I guess Americans think that they are superior and more intelligent than any other people on Earth. In fact, the British are like that since they speak only English (with exceptions, of course). Americans only know what is said in their own media, and, worst of all, they believe that everything said in their own media is true. America is not the world's policeman. Being powerful does not give the right to intervene in other countries."



6."I hate how Americans can never accept they have an accent!"


7."Ordering a side of ranch will never happen [in Europe]. It is insulting and a dead giveaway that you are an ignorant American."


8."Be respectful of the culture and do not insult countries by trying to negotiate prices. Please have a level of appreciation for the work that other countries demonstrate."

Two people shopping in an outdoor market, looking at souvenirs. They appear relaxed and content, surrounded by display items and a scenic backdrop
Buena Vista Images / Getty Images

9."The United States is not the best country in the world to live in, so stop acting like you are so privileged."


10."One thing I find rude is when Americans think rules and regulations do not apply to them when visiting museums or national landmarks in other countries. Using the term 'It's ok, I am an American' is not a flouting the rules excuse."


11.“Just because your ancestors were born here doesn’t make you from here. You’re American”.

Child rolling eyes, wearing a short-sleeve dress with a white collar and a hair bow, saying "DUH!"

12."Many visitors from the states seem to believe that Europe was developed as a giant theme park for their entertainment. Our cities, our restaurants, and our cultural sites do make for great vacations, but to us, they are not 'cute' or 'quaint.' You are visiting our homes. Understanding the history of the places you visit while respecting the vital society that continues to exist apart from the crowds of visitors would make for a richer experience for both the visitors and the local community."



13."Family time is not being at the ball field watching your kid playing while you’re on your cellphone."

Person on a bus with two children looking out the window, while holding a smartphone
Maskot / Getty Images/Maskot

Is there anything you could add to this list? If so, share it with me in the comments below!