Food Label Know-How

Here's what to look out for:

Serving Size: It's important to make the serving size one of the first things you check on the label so that you know exactly what's in the package; use the "Servings Per Package" to double-check the amount. So if you have a container of ice cream listing "Servings Per Package: 4," and you plan to eat the entire container, you should multiply the kilojoules (and everything else) by four.

Saturated Fat: The Flat Belly Diet saturated fat limit is no more than 3 to 4 grams per 1,600 kJ meal. Saturated fat content can vary considerably from brand to brand, so read labels and always select packaged products with little or no saturated fat listed on the label.

Trans Fat: Trans fat should be avoided on the Flat Belly Diet. Look for products with 0 grams of trans fat listed on the label. Also check the ingredients list for the trans fat key words hydrogenated, partially hydrogenated and shortening.

Sodium: The Flat Belly Diet works best when you keep your total sodium below 2,300 milligrams a day. Because sodium content can vary considerably from brand to brand, it’s important to read labels and to always select the lower-sodium product.

MUFA-Rich ingredients: Since MUFAs usually aren't listed on the food label, the best way to spot them in packaged foods is to look at the ingredients lists. Look for MUFA-packed foods like oils, nuts, legumes (edamame and peanuts) and seeds, avocados, olives and dark chocolate.

More Flat Belly Diet info