Great Legs in 4 Moves

Get your legs in great shape for summer with four simple moves

You need: an open wall space (1 to 2 m) and a mat. Repeat each move 10 times.

The result: you’ll isolate the tough-to-reach muscles that pull in your tummy, lift your backside and trim your thighs. Practice the moves 4 or 5 times a week for fast firming.

Wall Bridge

Tones bum & thighs
Lie on back with bum against wall, arms at sides, knees bent, and feet planted about 1 m up wall. Exhale and peel lower back and mid-back off floor, keeping shoulder-blades down, so body forms an almost straight line from chest to knees. Hold, inhale deeply, then exhale and slowly roll back down.
Cross left ankle over right knee so only right foot is on wall; roll up, pause and lower. Do all repetitions; switch feet.
Don’t use the wall. Keep feet flat on floor as you lift into a bridge; pause and slowly lower.

Windscreen Wipers

Tones inner & outer thighs
From the Wall Bridge starting position, extend legs straight up against wall so body forms an L. Inhale and slowly lower left leg down the wall like a clock hand towards 9 o’clock; exhale and return to starting position. Repeat with right leg, sweeping towards 3 o’clock. Continue to alternate legs until you’ve completed all reps.
Wrap a resistance band around left foot and hold both ends beside opposite hip for added resistance as you sweep left foot down the wall. Do all reps; switch legs and repeat.
Move 10 to 15 cm away from wall, so torso and legs form a wider angle.

Wall scissor

Tones bum & backs of thighs
Return to the Windscreen Wipers starting position; bend knees to plant feet on wall. Peel back off floor (keep shoulder blades down), and step feet up wall so body forms a diagonal line from feet to chest. Bend elbows and support lower back with hands. Lower right leg towards head as far as you can; keep legs straight and abs tight. Return to wall; lower left leg. Alternate until you’ve completed all reps.
As you lower leg, pause and pulse 2 or 3 times, moving it up and down a few centimetres before returning it to wall. Repeat with other leg.
Gently scoot body 10 to 15 cm away from wall, so wall supports more weight

Knee Press

Tones bum, fronts & backs of thighs
Lie on back with bum against wall, knees bent and feet planted about 1 m up wall. Peel lower back and mid-back off floor; cross left ankle over right knee. Squeeze bum and front of thigh to press left knee towards wall. Do 20 pulses; lower body and repeat on other side.
As knee presses, engage your core to lift and lower hips by a few centimetres with each repetition.
Do the move with feet and back on floor.